How do I add a new contact to our database?

Go to Contacts > Add Company
As you type the company name or employee names, RedTeam Go will suggest possible like entries as you begin to type in order to help you make sure that company is not already in your database.

NOTE: It is very important to make sure there are no duplicate entries of companies or individuals within a company. Duplicates will result in problems related to login and document integrity. So each contact must have their own unique email address and password to access their RedTeam Go site.

RedTeam Go will pull you through a Wizard to help you set up the new company, assign their Trade Type, and add the company employees.

  1. Wizard Screen > Enter Company Name & Address.

2. Wizard Screen > Select Trade Types; you can click + to see what cost codes are included in the trade type. You can also choose Add Individual Cost Codes.

3. Wizard Screen: Add employee(s).

  • Every company must have at least 1 employee. Required fields are first name and last name. Either an email address or fax number is also required so RedTeam Go can communicate with this company.
  • Click the appropriate boxes if this employee will receive bid invitations and/or sign subcontracts.
  • Click Done or Next Employee to add another. You will be given the option to send each employee an email with the information to access your site
  • To add additional employees, click the + to the right of the company screen

4. Contact Information – Along with the above information, you will notice to the right of the company name a few other categories where you can add more information about the company.


(a) Worker’s Comp & General Liability

  • Update to add/edit the expiration dates. While there, click the + to upload these blanket documents. Click Done.
  • View All to see all current and past insurance documents.

(b) Bonding Capacity

  • Enter capacity in $
  • Click + to upload documentation.

(c) Ranking – You can filter by ranking when creating your bid invitation list

(d) Other Qualifications – Check boxes to the right for additional bid invitation filtering.

Billing Address – This applies primarily to owners and will appear on pay applications. By default it is the same as the mailing address. You can change it here if it is different.


  • Vendor # will appear on subcontractor bills and cost commitments for easy entry into your accounting software.

Notes – Enter notes as desired

Owner Entities – This option will only appear for Customer/Owner trade types and applies to those owners who have different entities with different jobs assigned to them. It allows you to merge those accounts so the owner will be able to access all of their projects under a single log in. You must select a parent company and open the company profile. To add entities, click Owner Entities and enter Entity company name and contact information. Do this for each of their entities. You will be able to query by the parent company or the entities when searching contacts or assigning them to projects. All documents will auto-populate the selected parent or entity information.

Search Tags – In addition to searching by the standard set of trade types, you will be able to search by tags. Use this however you like to classify your contacts. You can search by tags by hovering Contacts and selecting search by tag.