How Do I Send Submittals?

Important note: There are two methods to send submittal requests. Choose one based on what you need to accomplish.

Save & Send option looks at the Dates and Statuses in the Assignments Section to determine which party needs to be notified next and sends the request to them.

Send Submittal Request found on the ellipses next to the Responsible Party’s name sends a new e-mail request to them, no matter where the submittal currently sits.

Send a request to a submitter

Once the submittal is created and Saved, it is very easy to send the submittal request out from the form with one of these 2 methods.

  1. Click Save and Submit at the bottom of the Submittal Form. This will automatically send to the Submitter.
  2. Click the ellipses on the right side of the Submitter line and select Send Submittal Request

Both of these methods will open the E-mail form. Edit if desired and Send. The Submitter will be able to view the submittal, and upload their documents from the link in the e-mail they receive. They will not need to log in to complete their tasks.

Send Request to Approver

As long as the GC approver has either stamped their approval or changed their approval status, the submittal will automatically go to the Approver upon clicking Save and Submit.

  1. Click Save and Submit at the bottom of the Submittal Form. RedTeam Go will use the dates in the Received and Returned columns to determine whose court the submittal is in. If the submittal is returned by the sub and reviewed by the GC, clicking Save and Submit at the bottom will automatically send to the first Approver, etc.
  2. Click the ellipses on the right side of the Approver line and select Send Approval Request

Sending Multiple Submittal Requests

  1. Check the boxes next to the Submittals you wish to send
  2. Click the Actions in Right Hand corner.
  3. Under Send Checked select to either send the  Request Submittalor the  Request Approval.